Lulla recommendations

All babies are ready to eat, for it is part of child development.

All babies are ready to eat, for it is part of child development.

At Lulla we would recommend that you enjoy this time because, just like everything else in life, time flies with your baby.

Introduce foods as and how you feel safest, for in so doing you will convey a feeling of safety and confidence to your baby during the transition to solids.

In order to establish good eating habits, we would recommend that you:

  • Have your baby join the family at mealtimes, to learn by example.
  • Remember that there is no child food; a different meal is not required. It only needs to be adapted at times.
  • Respect your baby’s pace and don’t force-feed.
  • Don’t expect your baby to eat the same quantities of solids as purées.
  • Also encourage the use of a spoon as part of good eating habits.
  • On-demand milk is the first food during the first year of life.


Recommended Books

  • “Aprender a comer solo”, Lidia Folcar.
  • “Mi niño no me come”, Carlos González.
  • “Sin dientes y a bocados”, Juan Llorca.
  • “El niño ya come solo”, Gill Rapley.
  • “Baby-Led Weaning: 70 recetas para que tu hijo coma solo”, Begoña Prats.

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