A number of foods are forbidden up to a given age because of their nutritional composition or specific features, or their intake must be very small and spread out over time:
- Round foods, though they may be offered cut into safe pieces, such as grapes or cut sausages.
- Undercooked or raw foods.
- Avoid serving rice drinks and pancakes because they contain arsenic.
- Game is not recommended for children under 6 years because lead shot used can cause neuronal damage.
- Hard food such as raw carrot and apple, which may be served if cooked.
- Cow’s milk should not be offered before 12 months.
- Seaweed because of its high salt content.
- Sugar, salt and additives.
- Honey is not recommended before 12 months due to the risk of food-borne botulism.
- Large blue fish, such as tuna or swordfish, dogfish or blue shark, should not be served to children under 3 years due to their mercury content.
- Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach or chard, should not be served before 12 months due to their nitrate content.
- Whole nuts, popcorn, crisps and raw apple or carrot are not recommended before the age of 3 due to the risk of choking.
- Sweets, buns and superfluous foods should be delayed as much as possible and should be avoided before 12 months.