What foods do we start with BLW and when?

Boiled or grilled vegetables will doubtless be a good start along with ripe fruit but always observe the following guidelines.

This is a usual question when you start BLW but your imagination will surely take you to a dish with beautiful green broccoli trees.

Boiled or grilled vegetables will doubtless be a good start along with ripe fruit but always observe the following guidelines:

Food must be soft so that, when picked, the baby is able to crush it if pressed, and it is essential that you feel safe and comfortable with the food you offer.

Food must be properly presented:

  • Finger-sized, to be grabbed by the fist.
  • Burger-sized, to be held with both hands.
  • Small pieces for pincer grasp.

Iron-rich foods in order for there to be no imbalance of nutrients, for the energy provided by complementary foods should be half the daily energy intake required from 9-12 months and the rest should always be covered by milk. 

That is why a varied diet is recommended, starting with iron-rich foods such as meat, fish or cereals accompanied by foods rich in Vitamin C such as tomato, broccoli or citrus to increase iron absorption.

High-energy food, because low energy intake is one of the limitations when BLW starts. Food such as banana and avocado is a good choice.

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